About us
Engaged in the business of providing Integrated ERP Software for Manufacturers since 1988…
Pcsoft started developing integrated ERP in 1988. Today, we have a dynamic team of experts possessing unmatched proficiency in all facets of ERP Software, including-technology procreation, development, implementation and support. The chief architect of PCSoft ERP is the pioneering Mr. Sateesh Jain, who holds a MTech from IIT, Kharagpur and a PG Diploma in CBIS from IIM, Ahmedabad. Under his leadership. PCSOFT ERP has evolved into a tightly integrated, robust and feature rich ERP. With unrelenting efforts of our engineers, we have deployed more than 2500 sites successfully. Our achievement also includes the Wipro CSI Award for the Best Indigenous Software Product.

Salient Features
Ready to use with user defined configuration
Serves a range of Industrial Verticals
Versatile it is flexible for business of all sizes
We offer "Global class with local support”
Multi Stakeholder Integration

PCSOFT understands the need to have a one window approach for any organization when it comes to its transactions, internal or external. We have tried to get all stakeholders of your organization under one umbrella, one system. Your vendors can interact with the you through the ASN (Advanced shipment Notice) portal. This ASN portal gives you complete visibility ofthe material expected from your vendors and its tracking and inwarding. PCSOFT ERP covers almost all transaction in your organization and integrates all departments and its employees through our robust and feature rich ERP product and the seamlessly integrated HRMS.
Top management or even middle management at your organization can see the health of any activity by using our Business lntelllgence(BO) tool and its versatile reporting services. Create your own reports on the go and look at businessthe way you want to. Your Customers get to place orders with you through our Sales Portal (B2B& B2C) and tracktheir order status and outstanding After Sales Service can also be_provided to customer through our After Sales Service Management System.
PCSOFT ERP is a true ERP because all the resources of your enterprises i.e. Man+ Machine+ Material+ Money can be planned and accounted for. A true Enterprise Resource Planning Software.
Value Chain

Dual Architechture

Pre-Configured ERP Renditions
- PC Soft develops pre-configured ERP renditions for a variety of Industrial Verticals.
- Each rendition has been crafted according to the Idiosyncrasies of that specific vertical.
- Thisapproach isadvantageous as It Is more time efficient.
- Whether you’re a pharmaceutical giant, an auto parts supplier or a simple assembly Setup, we can provide you with an ERP rendition that has been pre-configured especially for you!
- Auto Parts maker, a Metal Forging Plant or a simple Assembly Setup, we have an ERP rendition that has been pre-configured specially for YOU!
Who We Are
PCSOFT indigenously started developing IEV in 1988. We currently have a dynamic team of 100 highly qualified executives, possesing unmatched proficiency in all facets of ERP Software, including technology procreation, development, implementation, and support. Our exposure to real life implementation spans over a Million Man-Days and includes in excess of 1000 site deployments. PCSOFT has an impressive track record and is famed for being able to succeed where others have failed (such as in highly nebulous project undertakings). This is due to the unrelenting efforts our Implementation Engineers take to ensure every project is successful, regardless of magnitude and also because our software is mature, time tested, field proven and feature packed.
The Chief Architect of IEV is our pioneering Managing Director, Mr. Sateesh Jain. Mr. Jain holds BTech (Electronics & Communication Engineering) form IIT, Kharagpur and PG Diploma in Computer Based Information Systems (CBIS) from IIM, Ahmedabad. Armed with both functional and technical foresight, Mr. Jain has been our guiding light since the very beginning. Under his leadership IEV has evolved into a neatly integrated, robust and foolproof ERP system, well appreciated by hundreds of smiling clients. PCSOFT has been the recipient of the Wipro CSI Award for Best Indigenous Software Product.
To provide technical and functional expertise for businesses through an All-In-One ERP Application.
To provide a mature ERP solution to clients for reaching their operational & managerial excellence.
To become a leading ERP solution provider with superiority and competence to be known for the same.
The PCSOFT team is led by enthusiastic leaders who are united in a shared vision of providing our clients the power and means to leverage information technology to take their corporations to unexpected heights of productivity, efficiency, and quality control.
Founder, Managing Director
B.E. Electronics and Telecommunications,
M. Tech (Computer Science) – IIT, Kharagpur,
CIBS – IIM Ahmedabad
Chief Customer Officer, Director
B.E. Information Technology, MBA Finance,
3TP-MDP IIM – Ahmedabad
Chief Implementation Officer, Director
B.E. Information Technology

WIPRO CSI Award for Best Indigenous Software Product
Our on going endeavor…

Designing a world class ERP product which is process driven and not function/module driven makes it compact and seamlessly integrated. Keep improving the product based on the feedback of on-site implementations.
Enhancing core ERP Product with multiple domain integration for various business verticals. Integrating horizontally from SCM to CRM. Integrating vertically from core ERP to data warehousing to big data analytics to derive business intelligence from the core accumulated ERP data. Porting Product to the state of art and relevant platforms like smart phones.
Process driven Implementation methodology ensures that even SMEs can simultaneously automate all business processes in the most tightly integrated manner at affordable cost.
One product One source code ensures continuous consistent and timely product enhancement to all customers